3 Stocks to Buy Before The Covid-19 Vaccine Hits The Market

Once the Covid vaccine is released to the general public here in America, the whole country will be breathing a highly anticipated sigh of relief. With this said, the stock market is going to be affected by the vaccine since it rises and falls based on current events.

In general, you want to buy stock in something you think everyone will be increasingly using, therefore driving up the share price and making you money. In case you were asking yourself how you can cash in on those stocks that may be low right now but are poised to take off, I have some suggestions.

 Big Chain Pharmacies

By now I’m sure you have noticed the news reporting that vaccine will be distributed by the big-name pharmaceutical stores like CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aid.

Personally, I invested in a few shares of Rite Aid Stock in early November of 2020 while it was down, and it just started making me money in this first week of December with the incoming vaccine news.

Now would be the time to buy shares in any of these companies because they are going to become the backbone of vaccine distribution and will most certainly go up in value.


The airline industry has definitely been hurting since the number of people flying has significantly decreased. However, the promise of a vaccine has people thinking that air travel will be safe again and people will be able to open themselves up to the idea of a vacation again.

Some airlines, like Qantas, have already said they will be requiring proof of a vaccine to be able to fly with them. Other airlines, like Hawaiian, have followed a similar but less stringent approach by saying they require a negative test forty-eight hours before flying.

In other words, there will be a certain level of safety expected and more people will start flying again. One airline to look out for is United, who not only have maintained most of their travel routes through the pandemic, but also will be an intricate part of vaccine distribution.

Other airlines that have maintained service during the pandemic and are picking up speed again are Alaska, Delta, and American. It is a safe bet to at least watch and consider buying some airline shares since the trend is going back to travel in a post-vaccine world.

 Cruise Lines

The positive news about the Covid vaccine has created some movement in the cruise line stocks and they are in a position to gain much more value.

Cruise lines are working in close conjunction with the CDC to map out the safest reopening plans with cruises set to recommence in Spring 2021.

If you take a look at the pre-Covid history of cruise line stocks you will notice that the stocks usually hovered between $45-$55 a share. Currently, they are down to between $20-$30 a share, with an upward trajectory over the last few months so you stand to make a significant profit if you take advantage.

Now Is The Time

Timing plays a very important role in when to buy a stock, and now is the time to capitalize on Pharmacy, Airline, and Cruise Line stocks before their value increases too much.

These stocks are low now and in the perfect position to increase in value in a post-vaccine world. Staying apprised of the news related to each stock, looking at pre-Covid stock trends, and taking advantage of current events are all factors to look at when making your decision on what and when to buy.

Simply put, you should hop on these stock niches now.