10 Sure-fire Places to Find Creative Inspiration

If you’re feeling uncreative and need some help finding new places for inspiration, try some of the ideas from this list.

It’s hard to always have your creative brain turned on all the time, which is why choosing a source of inspo from this list will help you out.

Of course, there are the major sources to drive inventiveness like Pinterest and Twitter, but there are also lesser-known outlets when you some direction.

1. Buzz-sumo

On this website, you can run a search to quickly discover content ideas, uncover platform insights, and identify passionate influencers.

You type in the search any topic that you are interested in and it will provide you with all the top trending content. It can also show you the top keywords for your topic and offer you unlimited subjects and ideas within that topic.

2. Creativitypost.com

The Creativity Post is a platform dedicated to sharing the very best content on creativity. They publish articles daily and make it very easy to browse through them all.

Their platform also goes deeper into the psychology and philosophy behind creativity so you can understand how to be your most creative self.

3. Tumblr

Tumblr is the underused version of Pinterest for more art related ingenuity. You can browse and like different images and the site will adjust your feed based on the things you like.

It is easy to get lost in the beauty of this site, but getting lost can lead you to some interesting finds to get your own creative energy going.

4. Etsy

Etsy is generally used as a shopping platform where individuals from anywhere can sell their craft or items. But it is also very useful as a place to peruse for things that spark your interest. 

Since there are things from all over the world, there are endless possibilities of items you can find out more about. 

You can even try typing in “creative inspiration” to the search bar and go from there.

5. Documentaries

Documentaries of all sorts can delve deep into topics to draw out conclusions or to pose questions.

Coming up with your own opinions and ideas can be a great inspirational outlet while you educate yourself by watching the film.

All TV platforms have an area to browse documentaries so you can find one that speaks to your interests.

6. Browse Inspirational Quotes

Sometimes all we need to get going is a quote or mantra that really resonates with us. You can find inspirational quotes everywhere too. On social media there are tons of profiles that are centric to inspirational quotes. 

You can try any of the apps that will send you quotes daily.

7. Type in “most popular” to Your Google Search Bar

This method will show you the latest trending searches, and can also help you gain some focus if you need immediate ideas.

Also, by looking at topics that are trending you can have a better idea of what is popular at the moment if that angle is needed for your creative outlet.

8. Unbelievablefacts.com

If you want a random assortment of interesting and obscure facts to get your mind going, then checking out unbelieveablefacts.com will certainly do that.

You can get inspiration from all the varying subjects that are covered on this website. 

9. Your Pet

Having your pet by your side while you are working can boost productivity and relieve stress, paving the way for your creative side to act up.

By connecting with certain traits in animals humans can tap into our own playful and creative side in an abstract way.

10. Browse popular podcasts

Podcasts can be a huge source of knowledge. There is a wealth of variety in podcasts and simply browsing what it is out there can definitely help your creativity.

Listening to material on subjects and people that resonate with you can really get your mind going and point you in all different directions once you are inspired.


If you need some help getting your creative side moving or are having trouble finding inspiration, use any of these sources from this list.

The ideas on this list can give you some guidance and direction if innovation is not coming easily to you.